Granny Snooks

Harper’s GREAT GREAT Grandmother went to be with Jesus today. It’s not often that you get to meet your great great grandmother, but he got to meet his, and I’m so very thankful for that. He met her for the first time over Thanksgiving, and she held him. I knew it was a rare moment so I shot this video and I took pictures:

My dad, me, Paw Paw Joe, Granny Snooks & Harper.

Granny Snooks was a lively woman, and she loved Jesus. I can’t tell you how many people in our family are named after her. She left a legacy…that’s for sure! She lost her husband  a couple of years  before I was born, and to this day, would still wear her wedding ring. I never met Paw Paw Charles, but I knew Granny loved him. Almost every time I went to her house for a surprise visit with her, she was sitting in a chair in her living room, with no T.V. on, reading her Bible. When I was young and dumb, I used to think about how lonely she must be, but as I grew older, I realized, she was never alone in that house. She knew the importance of spending time in the presence of the Lord. She was best known for her temper, humor, fried chocolate pies (that woman could cook!) and her loving heart. I like to picture her on this thing, tearin’ up the streets of gold:

I love you Granny!

One thought on “Granny Snooks

  1. allin4him says:

    Thank you for sharing Granny Snooks. What a legacy!

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